Keri Chau

I am a Vancouver-based graphic designer that specializes in layout design and print production. I have 2.5 years of professional experience in creating visuals and promotional materials for retail spaces and cosmetic campaigns. I have a strong passion (almost obsession) for details and I find inspiration in simple yet sophisticated design work that showcases consistency, clarity and balance. I love experimenting with layout, type and colour as well as working with basic graphic elements to create structure and visual appeal.

My educational background includes a BA in Interactive Arts and Technology/Communication (Joint Major) from Simon Fraser University and recently, a Certificate in Communication Design Essentials from BCIT and Emily Carr University of Art + Design.

In summer 2015, I travelled to Korea as part of an immersion program to learn the country’s language and culture. The experience enabled me to step out of my comfort zone and learn something new. As a designer, I believe it is important to always keep an open mind and be willing to learn new ideas in order to grow diversely and inspire others.